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Mr. Swindle’s Traveling Peculiarium 2023

October 12, 2023 | 7:30pm
Harpoon Brewery
306 Northern Avenue
Boston, 02210 United States

Get Ready For A Whole New Experience Under A Boutique Big Top!

The only words capable of justifying the excitement to be experienced at The Great Mr. Swindle’s Traveling Peculiarium is “Absolutely Outrageous”. Mr. B.S. Swindler AKA Mr. Swindle hosts his captivating 90-minute extravaganza under his hypnotical Big-Top delighting his audience with an unparalleled exhibition of classic vintage amusement, live acrobats and comedy. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the dawn of entertainment as the past comes to the future and bewitches the spectators that dare to observe.


Be sure to arrive 60 minutes early to relish in the savory snacks, bitter brews and “THE SWINDLER” a fantastic butterscotch pale ale topped with whipped cream, drizzled with butterscotch and brewed exclusively by Harpoon Brewery for Mr. Swindle and his lovely guests (that’s you)! Come one, come all (18+) and join us for the exceptional atmospheric celebration!


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